Biogas production
Biogas production
As the public’s understanding increases in regards to the identification and use of renewable energy sources, it develops environmentally-friendlier managements and a stronger sense of responsability towards the environment and future generations,biogas production becomes more relevant.
Biogas cogeneration plants convert manure into high–quality soil fertilizer, heat and electricity, which we can further use for our own economic activity, as well as, for example, sell the generated electricity to the electrical grid.
The manure we produce in our own farms is the most accessible and the most suitable raw material, which also ensures the best results from biogas plants. A step towards renewable energy and a cleaner environment is vital to our business and society as a whole.
Our experience
The first BALTIC PORK LLC biogas plant was built in 2011 at the pig farm “Krastmalas”. Although the company encountered some technical problems immediately after the completion of the construction of the biogas plant, we quickly and successfully dealt with these problems and we proceeded to the constuction of biogas plant ” Rukši ” a lot more experienced. Today, both biogas plants are equipped with dual safety and air purification devices that eliminate odor even in the close vicinity of the complex.
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We are truly satisfied with our investment in our biogas plants. Both power stations are operating at full capacity, providing heat to the farms, which in the colder months is especially necessary to the piglets, and electricity, which we sell to the electrical grid. Manure processing is one of the most effective technical solutions to reduce the odor during manure storage and spread.
The main advantages of biogas production:
Renewable energy source
Biogas production is a carbon dioxide–neutral renewable energy source that enables not only an environmentally-friendly processing of industrial by-products of pig farming, but also generates heat and electricity.
Reduction of odor
Agricultural fertilizer
Eco - friendly agriculture
Additional income
Results of biogas production by BALTIC PORK LLC:
Biogas production volumes
As a result of the operation of biogas plants, during anaerobic fermentation biogas is produced, from which heat and electricity are obtained. Shown below are yearly biogas production volumes (m³) at both biogas plants since 2015.
Fertilizer production volumes
As a result of the operation of biogas plants and anaerobic fermentation, a high–quality homogeneous fertilizer is obtained. Shown below are the fertilizer production volumes (m³) at both biogas plants since 2015.